April 13th 2023


Runtime 2023.02

Introducing our latest runtime, 2023.02, featuring new updates and improvements. Migrate your checks today to take advantage of these enhancements.


  • Playwright 1.32.1: Now supports chaining locators for more efficient test interactions.

  • Faker 7.6.0

New Additions:

  • date-fns 2.29.3: A simple and consistent toolkit to streamline your work with JavaScript dates.

  • ws 8.13.0: Boost your performance with this fast WebSocket client/server library.

Important Notice:
We have discontinued support for Mocha. Although older runtimes still provide Mocha support, we strongly encourage users to start transitioning to Playwright for a more seamless experience.

For those using Private Locations, please upgrade your agent to v1.3.0 to leverage the new runtime and its features.

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