May 8th 2023


Announcing Checkly CLI GA & Test Sessions Beta

The Checkly CLI is now Generally Available, together with the new test sessions feature (now in beta). Here is a quick rundown of all the major updates. Read the full blog post for more details.

Checkly CLI

  • The CLI now lives under the top level checkly npm package name and you install it with npm create checkly or npm install -D checkly. The previous package @checkly/cli is still available, but will no longer be updated with new versions or bug fixes.

  • You can now use the new trigger command to run any check on Checkly as test session: no need to store it in your repo.

  • You can now manage account level environment variables using the new checkly env command.

  • You can now share alert channels between projects, using the fromId() function so you don't need to "double create" alert channels across projects.

Test Sessions

The test sessions page (beta) is now available to all users. Test sessions deprecate the deployments page and deployment triggers as a concept in Checkly.

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